Classical Massage
The origin of classical massage probably lies in the Far East. Already in the year 2700 B.C. the Chinese Kong Fu described massage grips. Later, mainly through Hypocrates (460 – 377 BC), the massage arrived in Europe. For the time being it was mainly practiced and extended by doctors. The Greek physician Galen (131 – 201 AD) developed manual therapy, for example. After the 9th century, it was mainly the Arabs who used massages according to the teachings of Galen. In the 18th and 19th centuries, massage began its triumphal march through Europe. The classical (or Swedish) massage known to us was developed and processed by the Swede Per Henrik Ling (1776 – 1839).

The effect of the massage is a very complex event, which considers many partial aspects:
Physiological effects
Calms the circulation, promotes the rapid removal of metabolic waste products (removal of deposited harmful and waste substances), muscle relaxation, friction produces heat, calms the nervous system and promotes the breakdown of cellulite / effect on the subcutaneous fat tissue and connective tissue. Removal of old adhesions. Remote effect of reflective massage techniques. Reactions on the vascular system and on the whole organism.
Contact – Trust
Grip technique, pressure and speed are adapted to the client’s needs so that the client can “let go”.
All people are dependent on physical contact. Through touch, warmth, security, not being alone can be conveyed and received. Our skin, the largest body and protective organ, is grateful for the massage and sets physiological processes in motion that enhance our well-being. It is important that the person being massaged has a clear posture in order to maintain the client’s privacy.
Relaxation of the massager
Important prerequisite for the success of a massage. The conversation should be avoided during a massage if possible. A slow massage tempo can lead the client into a deep relaxation.
The relaxing massage is always so gentle and strong that it leaves you feeling good and comfortable. Often it is the neck where a “wellbeing pain” is felt.
Palpation and trigger point treatment
Through finger work a muscle tone (= muscle tension) can be recognized, muscle strands and their painful points can be captured and these can also be solved. Through targeted palpation, muscular tensions can be recognised and released as quickly as possible.
A myofascial trigger point is a clearly defined change in the skeletal musculature that reacts to stress (stretching and pressure) or spontaneously with local and/or transmitted pain. A trigger point can arise, for example, from a bruise, an overstretch or an acute overload. Consequences can be: reduced elasticity, reduced strength development, long-term consequences (muscular inequality), which can lead to strongly tense muscle groups, joint complaints, posture weakness or overloading.

Kinesio tapes are coloured adhesive tapes (96% cotton and 4% adhesive coating) that can stimulate the muscles through the skin layers. The muscles can be supplied with nutrients more quickly, pollutants can be removed and oedemas can be broken down. The aim of this method is not to restrict movement, but to enable the physiological movement abilities of joints and muscles in order to activate endogenous, body’s own control and healing processes.
The field of application is not only the fight against pain, but also the prevention, i.e. the avoidance of injuries and pain (Achilles tendon pain/inflammations, neck/ shoulder pain, tennis or golfer elbows).
Pain in the musculoskeletal system is very often muscular, for example if you wake up after sleeping with a stretched neck or if your feet hurt so much after a busy day that you can hardly stand, you should tap, massage or cupping.
If the pain is immediately gone or at least significantly reduced, a muscular cause is quite certain. If there is no improvement, the background must be clarified with other methods, e.g. imaging procedures.
To achieve the best results, it is best to have the tapes renewed once a week. I will also be happy to show you how you can apply them yourself if possible.
Sports massage
The main effect of the sports massage is warming before and relaxation after the sports event. The massage is faster and deeper. Only the part of the body that is subjected to a lot of stress is massaged. Influence and regulating effect of muscle tone.
Before sport
Increase in performance, warming up of muscles (prevention of muscle tendon tears), loosening of joints, activation of the central nervous system, activation of circulation, activation of circulation in the corresponding muscles.
After sport
Relaxation after heavy exertion, acceleration of the removal of waste products in the muscles, i.e. possible prevention of muscle soreness.
Lymphatic drainage
The tissue fluid (lymph) is manually drained off (drained off and passed on) via the tissue crevices or lymph vessels. In contrast to conventional massage, the principle of manual lymphatic drainage is based on a certain grip technique, which consists of rhythmically circling, pumping grips with flat fingers or hands and finely dosed pressure.
Manual lymphatic drainage is mainly used in physical therapy, cancer aftercare, oedema, sports injuries, detoxification, rheumatic forms, fresh and older skin scars, skin diseases, acne, fasting, headaches, venous congestion (e.g. in swollen knees, the removal of lymphatic fluid can contribute greatly to your ability to walk more painlessly and the gait pattern becomes better).
Thai-Massage: Powerful full body massage
If you sit most of the time at work, you will quickly build up muscle tension in the shoulder, neck and lumbar areas. A Thai massage can release these blockages. In order to avoid cramping or even injuries, however, the intensity of the massage must be adapted to the individual needs and sensations of the person being massaged.
What happens during a Thai massage?
The image of Thai massage is not the most serious. Many do not think of wellness, but of dubious massage centres, where lightly dressed ladies give stressed businessmen a special kind of pleasure. Traditional Thai massage has nothing to do with sexuality or prostitution.
If you want to have the traditional Thai massage techniques performed on you, you should therefore possibly pay attention to the seriousness of the provider.
Goal: relaxation of the musculature
The massage is about loosening the muscles and tendons and mobilizing the entire muscular and skeletal system. Thai massage follows a holistic approach.
By considering energetic structures and conduits, a deep relaxation can be achieved that goes beyond the moment. In this country, this approach is known as reflex zone massage.
The energy flow in the body is to be stimulated by pressure points.
In concrete terms, this is achieved by pressing, stretching and stretching the limbs and muscles. The masseur starts at the feet and then works his way up, slowly increasing the strength of the stimulus. Classically, the massage ends with light strokes on the back or the head.
Correct dosage of stimulus strength
As the “Süddeutsche” reports on the topic, some of the Thai massage techniques are not entirely uncontroversial, for example the pressing of the aorta on the leg for several minutes, followed by sudden letting go. Thai Red Cross doctors warn that this could cause blood clotting.
In general, some masseurs are too harsh, walk around on their backs, tear their heads or hammer on their muscles. Anyone who decides to have a Thai massage should therefore talk to a masseur about the treatment in advance and ask him immediately to reduce the intensity of the stimulus if the massage becomes too unpleasant.
Especially in the case of problems with the spine and joints, a massage can cause more damage than relaxation – regardless of the intensity of the stimulation. People with such complaints or chronic muscular pain should always consult a doctor before applying for a Thai massage.